Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taking an old Idea; Claiming it is New

Taking an old idea, claiming it as something new:
The whole environmental movement is based on this kind of deception. After all, even before the word ecology was devised, there were many people (including captains of industry, and probably a vast majority of engineers) who were concerned about defiling water supplies, over grazing range land, and hunting to extinction.

The environmental movement was high jacked by a rag-tag band of leftists, and they were able to characterize opponents as promoters of pollution and as enthusiastic despoilers of nature. It can sensibly be argued that the global effect of the environmental movement has had a bad consequence: polluting industries in this country were exported to places like Mexico and China where the level of concern is minimal and what controls there are serve only as a means for bribes and corruption.

The entire environmental movement has the following agenda:

Turn the public against economic endeavors.
Empower politicians
Demonize capitalism.
Weaken the United States, compared to other States.

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