Saturday, December 12, 2009

Another 900-Pound Gorilla

Another 900-pound gorilla
To comprehend how mismanaged the environmental studies are at universities and government research centers, you must appreciate that all the finger pointing at carbon dioxide as a horrible greenhouse gas is no better than howling at the moon. The “experts” have overlooked the most important green house gas of all. Which is?, you ask. Answer: hydrogen oxide vapor. Also known as moisture! (Talk about an inconvenient truth!) This is preposterous you say, and rightly so, I add. How could this happen? Answer: lies, ignorance, and total lack of morals. Your political “representative,” Senator Cornpone, took money via an earmark (i.e. force) from honest hardworking citizens(Jack, Jill, Joe and Jo), and gave it to the nihilistic Professor Claptrap who created a Research and Development program with three powerless, subservient, witless graduate students to show we’re doomed to suffocate from global warming in the next 50 years. Claptrap and his lackeys have a realistic expectation of receiving a Nobel prize.

Something else should be made clear at this point. The whole approach to taking care of the planet was begun wrongly. Environmental programs were initiated as political programs by a stupid, stupid lawyer, Richard M. Nixon. Lawyers have to get out of environmental work and make room for people who know that heat will not flow from a low temperature to a higher one, namely: honest scientists and engineers. [Note to readers: This paragraph was written several years ago. Lately (November 2009) it has recently been revealed in a series of emails between “scientists” that environmental data was “cherry picked” and submitted to bogus statistical analysis by nihilistic Environmentalists, disguised as scientists, working at East Anglia College in England. A few, conscientious, moral people (in the true spirit of science) have just now brought to light the science fraud going on at East Anglia College. The response by higher echelon bosses within the scientific community has been predictable: Declare the publishers of the emails “hackers” and prosecute them with the full force of the law.]

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