Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chapter 17. Environmentalism

(Emoting over Gaia for Power, Profit, and Self-Congratulation)

Whether liberal or conservative(Demo or Republican), we can all agree on the following two ideas:

The planet we live upon is our home. Only a stupid person would wish to spoil this planet.

Harvesting resources from this home is necessary for survival. Without this harvest, we would cease to exist.

[where we differ among ourselves is on how to keep from spoiling our planet, and whether or not the planet is over-stressed.]

Now, here is a third idea to consider:

Our planet cannot be treated as though it is a museum where all the items are fragile and irreplaceable.

Let’s examine this third idea. In 1992 on a visit to Yosemite, I remember walking over marshy areas(The Tuollumne meadow) on a wooden walkway. Signs were conspicuously posted stating: “Please use walkway. This natural heather is fragile.” I felt as though I was treading a bridge over dinosaur eggs that were about to hatch. I wouldn’t have tromped the “natural heather” in any case, because I did not want mud and dirt on my shoes. About two years later, there came a great flood through Yosemite that swept all that beautiful “natural heather” out and into the Hetch Hetchy reservoir.

This illustrates my point: We should not be so presumptuous about nature. In a match between nature and ourselves we will usually be bested by nature. The so called environmentalists think that they have a special pipeline for communicating with nature to find out her needs. They missed by a mile in Yosemite. All that money spent building wooden walkways in Yosemite would have been better spent upgrading freeways in Oakland.

Among the most important matters in our lives is our stewardship over the land we occupy. This applies to all human inhabitants of the planet, but here in the United States we can set an example for other countries to follow.

Whose plan do we use: millions of chaotic, debating scientists and engineers, practicing valid science, or thousands of organized, greedy, anointed lawyers and politicians ?

Further perspective from Karl R. Popper
In his book The Logic of Scientific Discovery, Popper examines the faulty, unscientific logic of negative assertions that cannot be examined by use of rational methods. Popper used the example of black swans: A valid scientific statement about black swans would be:“ I saw a black swan in a rice field south of Beaumont last Friday.”The reason such a statement is valid, is that it can be challenged. Furthermore the maker of such a statement can acquire proof to back up his assertion, a time-stamp camera with a telephoto lens, for example. A non scientific statement concerning black swans would be: “ There are no black swans anywhere, any time.” It is non scientific, because there is no practical way of proving it is wrong. The old saying is: “You can’t prove a negative.”

The following statement is non scientific, because it makes an assertion that cannot be proven false:

“We are entering a catastrophic period for the entire world; the earth will be devastated by man-made global warming.”

Environmentalists have succeeded in bamboozling all inhabitants of this planet with such faulty logic, furthermore, the false “science” is so obviously bad, it leads one to conclude, sadly: most scientists do not know what constitutes a valid scientific statement. They need to spend some time reading Popper’s The Logic of Scientific Discovery.

Repeating the point made earlier: We should not be so presumptuous about nature. In a match between nature and ourselves we will usually be bested by nature. The so called environmentalists think that they have a special pipeline for communicating with nature to find out her needs. They missed by a mile in Yosemite. All that money spent building wooden walkways in Yosemite would have been better spent upgrading freeways in Oakland.

A 900-Pound Gorilla

A 900-pound gorilla
All models for the environment show that energy use, even nuclear, is converted to mechanical energy, which ultimately, inevitably, is transformed to heat. What these models don’t account for is the 900-pound gorilla in the room, the Sun. Slight changes in solar output swamp any man-made heating. In the high emotional state concerning the planet, we should seek guidance from the Albert Einsteins and not the Erin Brockovichs. A bare minimum requirement is that whoever we seek for guidance must know thermodynamics [Some wags refer to this branch of science as Thermo-demonics, yuk, yuk.] as well as his or her own name. Who, you might ask, has the stature of Einstein in the field of thermodynamics? My nominee would be Prof. Reuel Shinnar. He is distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, currently at The City College of the City University of New York.

Another 900-Pound Gorilla

Another 900-pound gorilla
To comprehend how mismanaged the environmental studies are at universities and government research centers, you must appreciate that all the finger pointing at carbon dioxide as a horrible greenhouse gas is no better than howling at the moon. The “experts” have overlooked the most important green house gas of all. Which is?, you ask. Answer: hydrogen oxide vapor. Also known as moisture! (Talk about an inconvenient truth!) This is preposterous you say, and rightly so, I add. How could this happen? Answer: lies, ignorance, and total lack of morals. Your political “representative,” Senator Cornpone, took money via an earmark (i.e. force) from honest hardworking citizens(Jack, Jill, Joe and Jo), and gave it to the nihilistic Professor Claptrap who created a Research and Development program with three powerless, subservient, witless graduate students to show we’re doomed to suffocate from global warming in the next 50 years. Claptrap and his lackeys have a realistic expectation of receiving a Nobel prize.

Something else should be made clear at this point. The whole approach to taking care of the planet was begun wrongly. Environmental programs were initiated as political programs by a stupid, stupid lawyer, Richard M. Nixon. Lawyers have to get out of environmental work and make room for people who know that heat will not flow from a low temperature to a higher one, namely: honest scientists and engineers. [Note to readers: This paragraph was written several years ago. Lately (November 2009) it has recently been revealed in a series of emails between “scientists” that environmental data was “cherry picked” and submitted to bogus statistical analysis by nihilistic Environmentalists, disguised as scientists, working at East Anglia College in England. A few, conscientious, moral people (in the true spirit of science) have just now brought to light the science fraud going on at East Anglia College. The response by higher echelon bosses within the scientific community has been predictable: Declare the publishers of the emails “hackers” and prosecute them with the full force of the law.]

Purveyors of the "News" Deceive the Public

Purveyors of the “News” Assist in Deception of the public

Headline and sub headline from a prominent item in the Los Angeles Times, 7 Feb. 2003:

Stones Rock a Warming World
Clinton, Davis are
among fans at free
concert at Staples for
environmental group.

Clinton urged the crowd, many in T-shirts printed with the Jagger-esque tongue-and-lips logo, to demand cars that use cleaner fuel, light bulbs that are more energy efficient, and increased use of solar power. The crowd cheered.

See, Clinton is making the crassest of statements. This is the sort of thing that should make you tremble with rage. Let’s analyze this together. First, isn’t this a typical apple-pie and motherhood type of statement? I mean, suppose he had said, “I urge you to respect motherhood, and enjoy your apple pie.” Who would demur? He is playing with your emotions.

Who among us does not want cars that use cleaner fuels, and light bulbs that are more energy efficient, longer lasting, and cheaper to operate? I mean: duhh! Even solar power is great as long as you don’t screw up a good view with a bunch of solar panels or windmills. Finally, And this is a most important point. Who is Clinton, or Mick Jagger, or the bunch of “estupidos” at Staples Center to demand anything? From whom is it being demanded? Me? You? Surely, not God in heaven; it doesn’t sound like a prayer. If they want these things, let them set up shop in their garages to start developing them.

What perspective does any “environmentalist” have that makes him my master? Has he unraveled the secret of predicting next week’s weather? Has he been able to forecast any better than the Farmer’s Almanac, or Puxatauny Phil? O f course not. Environmentalists are frauds.

Taking an old Idea; Claiming it is New

Taking an old idea, claiming it as something new:
The whole environmental movement is based on this kind of deception. After all, even before the word ecology was devised, there were many people (including captains of industry, and probably a vast majority of engineers) who were concerned about defiling water supplies, over grazing range land, and hunting to extinction.

The environmental movement was high jacked by a rag-tag band of leftists, and they were able to characterize opponents as promoters of pollution and as enthusiastic despoilers of nature. It can sensibly be argued that the global effect of the environmental movement has had a bad consequence: polluting industries in this country were exported to places like Mexico and China where the level of concern is minimal and what controls there are serve only as a means for bribes and corruption.

The entire environmental movement has the following agenda:

Turn the public against economic endeavors.
Empower politicians
Demonize capitalism.
Weaken the United States, compared to other States.

Meso America

Meso America
In the history of the world, many political leaders have obtained power by frightening the masses, and by posing as visionaries of the future. Toltec, Aztec, Maya and Inca held sway over their superstitious subjects by being able to predict solar and lunar eclipses. The leaders were able to pretend that they had special connections with the gods. [The pretense never ends, whether Aztec, Marin County, or Washington D.C.. Politics thrives on pretension.]

Reason, Logic, and Knowledge are sorely needed when it comes to environmentally responsible economic development. An organization that identifies how all three of these elements can be used into in viable economic endeavors is PERC (Property and Environment Research Center), based in Bozeman, Montana.